Beach, work, out and home.
Spent the afternoon at the Football ground. Its so much fun working there. I think its the company more than the job, actually. Well then I spent about 20 years getting home on the bus through all the matchday traffic, such fun. When eventually I did get back to my village, it was pitch dark. There are no street lights on my road, and no path either. So I stumbled blindly down the road abit like those people you see half dying in the desert. I only tripped about five times and somehow didn't fall flat on my face at all. A miracle, I know. I then had about half an hour to get ready before I went to Emma's to go to Alex's to go to the waterfront. No problem.
Halfway through the evening I got really depressed and felt really sick so I went home. In hind-sight it was probably PMT or just my normal schitzo-ness. Who knows. I'm playing at church tomorrow for the first time so it was probably good i came home early.
At 9:07 am,
sparkles said…
Next time I'm home I'll try and build you a bridge from town to your house ;)
Oooo.. actually, get one of them little LED or is it LCD, keyring torch packs from poundland - then you'll be able to see where ya going!
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