As with most of my dreams, they can't always be put into words let alone make sense. But bits of my dreams last night were this. Me and Alice were in a kitchen. I think it was my kitchen but I'm not 100% sure on that. And suddenly I realised there was a large snake, like a python, wrapping itself around my waist. It then began to wrap itself aroung Alice's neck so I grabbed a small, sharp knife from the work surface. I started stabbing at this snake but I found each strike really hard, like I was killing something I loved but I had no choice. Then I realised I was slashing not only at the snake but across my arms as well. Then we were somewhere else, minus Alice and snake. There were lots of people I knew but I can't remember who they were. There's a gap in my memory here but it was something to do with a boat. Then we were all in a kind of grass dunes area and being chased by a polar bear. I couldn't run away because my knee wouldn't work proporly. So i climbed to the top of a small cliff. The polar bear followed and then when it was almost at the top I jumped off the cliff. The polar bear followed and caught up with me. It put it's mouth round my arm I think and I waited for it to bite it off or something but it just kinda sucked it instead. Sort of like Ben (my dog) does when he's trying to be affectionate. But that was almost worse than it biting me because I just sat there for ages waiting for it to bite my arm off. Then I woke up, I think.
About me...hmmm. Well my name is Emily, or Em, or Remmi or Emi or Gremlin or EJ or Emiloonoo or Emsquilly or whatever takes your fancy really. But DO NOT i repeat DO NOT call me Emma because that is not my name. Ever. Well more about me, I admire individuality and honesty. I hate fakeness and manipulation. Two pieces of good advice, obey the sunscreen song and don't take yourself too seriously. Some words I live by are 'No guilt in life, No fear in death. This is the power of Christ in me. From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand. Til He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.' That pretty much sums it up really. I'm just a girl trying to create a life of meaning and make a difference in this bizzarre and twisted world. Trying, not yet succeeding, but still trying nonetheless :)
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