The Tip of the Iceberg

Monday, November 07, 2005

What a conundrum

Bizzarrely (if thats even a word) at work today I went from thinking "I have to get another job, this is killing me," to thinking "You know this is actually quite fun and I kinda like doing this." I was trying to work out possible reasons for this. Could it be that work has finally lowered my standards of fun and general living? If so is that even a bad thing? Or could it just be that the pain of boredom has become too much for my brain so it has numbed itself like in a really bad accident? I'm not sure if its a good thing or a bad things that I'm starting to enjoy my job.


  • At 5:48 pm, Blogger Louise said…

    Yes bizzarely is a word.

    Enjoy the good feeling while its around...who knows it may stick out 6 months...;-)


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