Aaaah the most hilarious thing happened today, well it wasn't hilarious at the time, it was actually a little distressing. Ok heres what happened. I was sitting at my checkout and it was really quiet so I decided to do a little spring cleaning underneath. Unfortunately I caught my thumb on this random piece of metal which seems to have no purpose but to cut me. And you know how when you bang something etc you suck it for abit? Well I sucked my thumb where it was hurting for a second til this lady who i work with came up to my checkout. She had a basket of stuff and stopped in front of me and said "Ergh I don't want you touching my shopping after you've had your disgusting fingers in your mouth." I thought she was joking to start with, even though it was a crap joke, but then I realised she was deadly serious. So I just kinda sat there wondering whether I should put her shopping through or not. Eventually I started putting it through and packing it for her. But then when I got to her meat, she snatched it out of my hands and said "I don't want you touching my meat with your disgusting fingers!" I just stared at her like 'Are you for real???' And so I told her I'd banged my thumb just a second ago. And she goes "Well put a plaster on it then!" By this time I was starting to quietly fume. Then I was waiting for her to type in her PIN number and she was just standing there, so I just reinded her she needed to type it in. She goes "Ah you really put me off after sitting there sucking your disgusting fingers!" Can you even beleive it!? She then stormed off muttering to herself.
Old people today...they have no respect whatsoever.
She sounds welllll out of order! Obviously either had a very bad day or was just a moody person.
I was standing behind a lady at a checkout once and as her stuff was going through she just stood there. She then said to the checkout assistant 'Is no one going to pack these for me?'. The checkout assistant explained that they didn't have baggers at this store as it was too small. So they lady insist that the checkout girl packed her stuff while she stood and waited! There was a massive queue of people too.
Some people are just rude.
Even more funny though was a guy who it seemed had never been shopping before. He just stood at the checkout looking lost while his stuff when through, and didn't seem to realise that he needed to put it in bags, and he too stood and watched after he'd paid while the checkout assistant put it in bags for him.
I had a rude train lady last week. She had a go at me for blocking the aisle, then treated me like a kid telling me where to put my bag and where to sit, I then had a bus driver slam the door in my face.
About me...hmmm. Well my name is Emily, or Em, or Remmi or Emi or Gremlin or EJ or Emiloonoo or Emsquilly or whatever takes your fancy really. But DO NOT i repeat DO NOT call me Emma because that is not my name. Ever. Well more about me, I admire individuality and honesty. I hate fakeness and manipulation. Two pieces of good advice, obey the sunscreen song and don't take yourself too seriously. Some words I live by are 'No guilt in life, No fear in death. This is the power of Christ in me. From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand. Til He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.' That pretty much sums it up really. I'm just a girl trying to create a life of meaning and make a difference in this bizzarre and twisted world. Trying, not yet succeeding, but still trying nonetheless :)
At 10:46 am, sparkles said…
She sounds welllll out of order! Obviously either had a very bad day or was just a moody person.
I was standing behind a lady at a checkout once and as her stuff was going through she just stood there. She then said to the checkout assistant 'Is no one going to pack these for me?'. The checkout assistant explained that they didn't have baggers at this store as it was too small. So they lady insist that the checkout girl packed her stuff while she stood and waited! There was a massive queue of people too.
Some people are just rude.
Even more funny though was a guy who it seemed had never been shopping before. He just stood at the checkout looking lost while his stuff when through, and didn't seem to realise that he needed to put it in bags, and he too stood and watched after he'd paid while the checkout assistant put it in bags for him.
I had a rude train lady last week. She had a go at me for blocking the aisle, then treated me like a kid telling me where to put my bag and where to sit, I then had a bus driver slam the door in my face.
Life would be simpler without people ;)
ps. your hands are lovely ;)
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