In the middle of nowhere we suddenly stopped the bus because there was a lizard in the middle of the road. Uncle Mike got out and picked it up for us all to see, gave it to me to hold and it promtly pissed all over my hand. I bet there's not many people in Norwich can say they've been weed on by a stub-tail lizard in the outback of Australia! We hired out this boat at the Gold Coast and drove aroiund for abit before stopping at this little desert island and having a BBQ. Yes the boat had an on-board BBQ!!
Celebrating Heidi's birthday at Hatter's Hideout in the Blue Mountains Heidi looking well cool in a cowboy hat made by a a guy who's house and cave we rented The cave that we rented. We had a BBQ and a campfire. It was so so so cool. There were hand prints and markings on the walls from when aboriginals used to use it. A dopey koala This was the most awesome ride EVER. It was at Dreamworld and it was the funnestthing I've ever been on. Sydney Opera House as we went past on the boat to Sydney. My Auntie and Uncle's bull terrier, Mindy. Isn't she gorgeous?! She had an ear infectiong when she was really little and now her ear won't stand up straight. My Auntie and Uncle's house where we stayed some of the time. The beach at Sufer's Paradise! Wow what a beach. Me feeding a kangeroo On the boat from Sydney to Manly. The three sisters in front of the three sisters in the Blue Mountains. I have no explanation for this...outside Hatter's Hideout. Or this...
About me...hmmm. Well my name is Emily, or Em, or Remmi or Emi or Gremlin or EJ or Emiloonoo or Emsquilly or whatever takes your fancy really. But DO NOT i repeat DO NOT call me Emma because that is not my name. Ever. Well more about me, I admire individuality and honesty. I hate fakeness and manipulation. Two pieces of good advice, obey the sunscreen song and don't take yourself too seriously. Some words I live by are 'No guilt in life, No fear in death. This is the power of Christ in me. From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand. Til He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.' That pretty much sums it up really. I'm just a girl trying to create a life of meaning and make a difference in this bizzarre and twisted world. Trying, not yet succeeding, but still trying nonetheless :)