The Tip of the Iceberg

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Being a Mat

I was reading this on Lou's blog and was gonna reply in the comments bit but I think it needs abit more space. Basically Lou was talking about being the first to apologise even when you're not in the wrong and feeling like you're a mat.

I totally think its good to say sorry no matter what the situation, no-one is ever 100% innocent. But if the person doesn't reciplicate your apology then what is learnt from that situation? The person will just go on thinking that its ok to do whatever it is that they've done. Yes we have to show grace like God has shown us but I don't think God has called us to be door mats. The best thing to do I reckon is to talk to the person and try to get them to see how they've hurt you. And just as I'm writing this I am realising how hypocritical I am. Well I never said thats what I do, thats just what I think is the right thing to do. I think the major issue really is pride. Everyone likes being right. If you say sorry its like you're admitting you were wrong, this is a problem I am facing at the moment as well. Ah and now I'm stuck. Well all I can say is that I'd rather be a mat than the other person.


  • At 8:32 pm, Blogger sparkles said…

    "Well all I can say is that I'd rather be a mat than the other person."

    te he hee

  • At 9:49 pm, Blogger Laura said…

    It's difficult, I guess it takes a lot of love to gently explain to people how hey've hurt you. I've never managed it :/


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