The Tip of the Iceberg

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Needles and wonderful weather

Ooooh I had my injection today. It was for Hepatitas A and typhoid or dipthoid or diploid or diptherior or something like that. Don't ask me, I just stick my arm out and am injected. It did smell of lemons though. On second thoughts I think diploid is something from genetics so rule that one out. There's probably not a vaccination for diploids nor would you want one. Anyway, I also have to have a medical form filled in by the doctors and do you know how long it's gonna take them? Six to eight weeks! To fill in one A4 sheet of tick boxes!! And they're charging me!!! I leave in nine weeks so that really is cutting it quite fine even for me. I am so done with doctors. No offense to all you good doctors out there but the rest of you SUCK! Hmmm have I already ranted about doctors here before? I'm thinking its more than likely. Moving on...

I would just like to say how much I am LOVING this weather! I'd forgotten what sunshine was and I feel happier than I have in ages. I know doctors would say "Oh dear you have Seasonal Affected Disorder" but I think everyone is affected by the weather. It's just basic logic. Sun and brightness makes you happy, doom and gloom (ie typical English weather) makes you sad. Accept if you're Tessa in which case you love the doom and gloom :) Any please God could you keep the weather how it is for just a little while longer? Thankyou.


  • At 1:18 am, Blogger sparkles said…


    How much are the docs charging you?
    They're charging my friend £24 just to sign a medical form for her to go on a weeks summer camp!!!


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