The Tip of the Iceberg

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Don't ask my opinion unless you can deal with it!

This is the root of most of my relationship problems. People ask my opinion or what I think and then can't deal with the answer. Examples:
  1. More than one youth worker I've talked to askes how I feel things are etc.
  2. Close friends (or should I say ex friends) of mine who push and push for me to tell them things, which I add I really would rather not. And then when I do they can't deal with the answers.
  3. Various church leaders (already mentioned last month)
  4. Parents. Man, I can't even start on that one. Actually lets just say family in general.

Now what am I supposed to do? Lie? I don't think so. I don't often volunteer my opinion but when I'm asked, I'm happy to oblige. Maybe just sugar coat the truth then. Well tact isn't one of my strong points. I prefer to get straight to the point, prevents confusion and misunderstanding. But maybe I could work on that one. Maybe I should just refuse to talk. And where would that get anyone? People then make up things in their heads, thinking that what I think must be so awful that I can't say it. Or they think everything is fine, which again is not desirable.

Can't be arsed with this topic anymore. Too depressing. Lie or be hated.


  • At 2:57 pm, Blogger sparkles said…

    the world is so the wrong way round isn't it?!

    You have yet to offend me ;)

    I admire your ability to be straight when asked.


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